Here you can see the German so-called economists paid by the state at work. Their forecasts are always fair-weather predictions that show the states in a good light, only to be revised downwards later. If we now reduce economic output by the artificial state deficit, Germany has been in recession for years.
Yes, they have been doing it forever and not only in Germany but you can see it happening in all countries inside Europe. Elsewhere the gap is not that much. I see this as a fraud and for this they should be held accountable. But it's a tragedy in democratic slavery that only common man who doesn't have any connection to political powers will be held accountable.
while i like to give Germany a good bashing, i think the issue of state-paid economists is a thing is every country.
their job is to paint Kensyian rainbows all day about how great inflation is and how the economy is better than ever
if that's who I think it is, in german media their (pretty much official) name is "economic sages". they're cited as that in the news. They're literally presented as some fantastic druid class.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @TomK OP 2h
The data includes some research inst. like the ZEW and DIW (Marcel Fratzscher, the biggest idiot on earth)
Its bad. Maybe they should underpredict and overperform?