What YT channels do you avoid for your toddler? Which ones do you recommend?
Ironically, the guy making this video is for sure using some engagement tricks as well... presentation is a bit too dramatic, but the message remains. Kids are easy prey.
I'm also kinda shocked that some people let their 2-year-old watch a screen for more than 4 (!) hours a day. In that case, sounds more like a parents' problem than a channel problem.
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I don’t let my kids watch that shit total trash for their brains and makes them like violent when u turn it off
Not educational at all I rather my kids watch blippi at least with that they can learn something
blippi is actually one of the richest YouTubers now, how crazy is that
To think he started out on YouTube crapping his pants lol
i have a friend who has quite a bit of money and every time he feels self-important, i tell him to not forget that blippy is making like 15 mil a year
so much better than Ryan tho (and Ryan's mum lol)
This is total trash. It can be so addictive, too.