• With a net worth of $242B, growing at an average rate of over 100% every year, Elon Musk is on track to become the first trillionaire by 2027.
  • The fortunes of Jensen Huang (NVIDIA), Mark Zuckerberg (Meta), and Steve Ballmer (Microsoft) come from firms already ranked among the world's seven trillion-dollar companies.
I've also posted about the same a few days ago.
More evidence of the trash that is fiat currency. The scope of money increases with our ability to process numbers of such size.
A trillion is a big number. A trillion seconds is 31k years. The day will come when today's billion is yesterdays million.
Its better to consider liquidity, rather than net asset value when determining wealth at these levels.
I wouldn't want to be the first trillionaire. Some people already want to tax billionaires out of existence. Just wait until they are trillionaires.
Elon Musk could make another bad investment like twitter.