I've tried zapping by external wallet but not satisfied. I don't if I'll continue or not. I'm also not very good at technical skills. I'm new in Bitcoin.
I'm saying this because it's going to affect adoption.
Anyways, we'll see. I can't predict. But I don't like the zap from external wallet.
39 sats \ 5 replies \ @ek 14h
dropping a reply to let you know that we're reading along even if we don't always have the bandwidth to reply 👀
Did I make any wrong comments? Or something which you didn't like?
11 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 14h
there were no wrong comments until you asked if there were wrong comments
Ahh! My bad I took your comment as warning. Sorry my bad, no my very very poor English.
Thanks for keeping an eye on comments.
Very big brother of you. Haha
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 14h
you're the one with the appropriate meme