On a farm there was an Ox that worked in the fields from sunrise to sunset every day and when he finished working he was given water and fodder to eat, and that was how it was every day.
Next to him was a Pig who spent the whole day eating what he considered an excellent delicacy, abundant and varied.
The Pig made fun of the Ox every day saying:
"You work so hard and they always give you fodder to eat and I always eat many things without doing anything"
The Ox responded:
"The fodder they give me keeps me fed and strong, it is also of very good quality and I earn it with my work. But you eat many different things but they are rotten and only make you fat. Don't you care about eating without doing anything?"
The Pig said to him:
"You are jealous of me, I eat without doing anything and you have to work to eat"
But one day they came to look for the Pig. They killed him and ate him. Then the Ox thought:
"I knew that eating without doing anything was not a good idea"
Bitcoiners are like the Ox:
According to you: Who does the Pig represent?
I think of the blockers of shit coins