What a day had come! You've to submit the meme. I thought you'd protest a little and won't submit at least for 2 weeks. But I see only surrender here.
Haha. Learned this fact playing Jeopardy with my oldest and I couldn't resist using in on Fun Fact Friday.
You ain't gonna win though. So, be ready to be a loser.
Nice. Always enjoy a bit of trash talk.
I'm sorry. We call people loser in fun here. I don't know it's offensive there. But you seemed like a rookie with your fun fact entry today 🤣
Haha I don’t mind at all. It’s all in fun.
No, I'm serious. Are you a rookie btw? 🤔
I have won Fun Fact Friday 3 times. But every time I won I got my facts from my kids. This is the first time I entered with my own fact.
Now that you've accepted, I suggest you to learn some better fun facts from kids before showing up here the next time and challenging my bounty hunting skills. However this time around a fake fun fact is leaping ahead to my cats entry. He even gave a fake link to verify his claim that it's illegal in Switzerland to mow the grass on Sundays. But what can we do if our high value Stackers without verification zapped him only because he entered first.
I'm feeling like a Biden here.