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I call it like I see it. I will always speak my truth before saying what I think will get me liked or look good. I have nothing to prove. The only way we grow is to understand ourselves more fully. I aim to be a mirror. Ask my wife. I drive her nuts. I am always asking her to rephrase things. Words are power. If we speak like a victim, we will be victimized. If we speak from a voice of "you...." We will never own our own realities. I believe that everyone has their own valid stories and realities. If I ever say anything that triggers you, know I say it with love. And remember, we cannot be triggered by words unless there is some truth there. I don't know anything. Never claim to. I just speak from my perspective. With love. And sometimes it might anger you. If it does, I ask why does it make you angry when I say that? Look within. You are just as much the creator as anyone else and I will not stop with my attempts to open people up to that truth. The only real truth as I see it. The truth that, we decide what we are and what we become. I love you all.
P.S. if you ever catch me speaking like a victim or claiming I know anything at all, call me out. I am human and I deal with all the same ego shit as us all...
I'm sorry Please forgive me Thank you I love you
This is wisdom. I agree with everything you said. It's just that the word "shit" in the last sentence doesn't suit you. I know everyone uses this word. But shouldn't the language we use also be clean? Thank you,
That's true. I'm really surprised I said that. Weird. 🤷‍♂️
I love you too
When did you act live a victim? Did I miss something?
I used to act like a victim a lot in my past life. I was the king of victims. Now I feel empowered. Did this post imply that I felt like acted like a victim?
Did I miss something?
I must have read it in the wrong light.
I see. 🧐