Wait, I think we should do that math on that so you can see how rich he is. k00b spends all his time on this site. So how many years is that? And how many hours do you think he works in a year? Multiply those numbers together. Then take $63,000 divided by that number. Wow....he is rich. I am being sarcastic...just so you realize...
Fair. I'll boost him some more. I am not jealous...I swear...hah
20 sats \ 3 replies \ @k00b 7h
Its especially funny because not only do I:
  1. Lose money as a user of the site
  2. The company also spends a couple hundred thousand dollars per year (mostly on salaries) that it doesn’t earn back at all yet
I guess my guidance councillor didn't lead me astray...rooting for this site to become profitable.
What I meant is the time that you actually put into this passion project doesnt equate the monetary value you could earn somewhere else. Im sure if you did this calculation, you would probably be earning pennies an hour.
120 sats \ 0 replies \ @k00b 7h
Definitely and you’re right- money is the least meaningful form of payment one can get.