Maritime Law:

Maritime Law refers to the regulations and policies that crew members are obligated to follow, and are considered the law of that ship.
The law of the ship, requiring member-SHIP, would cover hazards of ocean travel or personal injuries sustained while working on the vessel.
These laws would stipulate the duties and obligations of the crew and detail the benefits the captain would provide. Although workers’ rights are covered under Maritime Law, they are at the discretion of the captain and are in fact privileges.
In layman’s terms, Maritime Law refers to the laws on board ship, whereas Admiralty Law has the power to create said laws, and control all ships.
Meaning, citizens within the Plebetoral system have been conditioned to accept “Maritime Law” as doctrine, and are treated as “crewmen” aboard a “citizen-ship”, who must follow orders issued by the Captain governed by a group of authoritarian corporate people who have claimed “Admiralty Status”.