Weren't you asking what movie to watch last night? Isn't that a big ol distraction and waste of time and energy?
When people make the point that many people are too obsessed with sports and tie too much of their self worth to the success or failure of their team I am open to the argument. When people just arbitrarily say watching sports are a waste of time I push back and say "ok what about tv, movies, social media, randomly scrolling the internet, drinking at a bar, shopping for things you don't need, gambling and so on and so". There are many things people do to entertain themselves and connect with others, sports is one. I am sure you waste time too on occasion.
I get a bit irked about this because this whole notion sports are a waste of time you should be doing something productive started some years ago and was parroted by male influencers like Mike Cernovich on social media. Cernovich rails against "sports ball" and how you are wasting your time watching it and you could be spending it learning things or with your family. He posts beautiful pics of his wife and daughters and then spends 16 hours a day arguing with people on twitter.
Not saying this is you. But the hypocrisy of the "sports ball bad" crowd is a bit much for me.
US sports is very fiat to me. It teaches us to be against others. I don't understand stimulation through watching competition. It encourages tribalism like politics. Not for me.
I enjoy art that helps me think and grow. That's why I asked for a dark movie. This helps me go within. I don't see being still as a waste if time. I love music too. For me, art isn't a waste if time. Watching sports is. I don't want to numb my mind or live through someone else. Just my opinion.