"What gets you up?"
The hope that when I check the price of bitcoin, China will have bought a trillion dollars of it in my sleep, during their wake hours. 😂
On a more serious note, I have a family to wake up to. I used to have this same question you're asking, and it was a tough time for me. But now I don't have that question, because other people are up, or will be, when I get up. The emotionally draining thought of "what is the purpose of getting out of bed today" doesn't cross my mind anymore, and with patience and a commitment to will and purpose (and change), the neuroplasticity of the brain, and time, can heal all.
I remember feeling this way when I had young kids. It was a good felling. I drove to work, feeling fulfilled, regardless of the job. I like taking care of people. My new wife and I are planning on having kids. I am looking forward to living selflessly again.