I always keep myself visible on the leaderboard. I am usually around the same spot 5-10 and stacking and spending around the same amounts daily so I don't feel the need to hide. I do hide the account for sports pools though. I don't think stackers need to know how much or how little zaps and rewards the pool account is getting. If I choose to personally cover a deficit when the prize pools are short due to zap fees or collect a small profit when the account accumulates more than the prize pool due to rewards I don't think stackers need to know. Now that the fee is at 30% we will probably have to change the way the pools are structured to buy in and pay out so it might not matter and maybe I will make the account public again. But I also don't want stackers to think it is unfair when that account gets to say the top 20.
That's interesting. Yes. I have noticed you are one of the few that are close to the top that is visible. Either way, great work. Thanks for all that you do.