In Europe, there is a lot of talk about increasing number of matches and competitions in football. Some top players are raising questions. From a fan point of view, sometimes more matches is not the same as better matches. But then money comes in. More matches, more money. Players want good salaries. So if more money comes, better salaries will be paid. Difficult decision. This year UEFA decided to increase the number of matches at the top competition. NFL maybe thinking alike.
30 sats \ 1 reply \ @grayruby OP 4h
Absolutely. More matches doesn't mean better matches or even good matches. But there is a lot of money in expanding the schedule.
And then it’s the issue with injuries. I have the same feeling that someone else has mentioned before regarding soft tissues injuries. Especially when we start talking about ACL, MCL or even worse with the triad. We do see these injuries more often and the problem is that the player is out for a good few months.