I went ahead and downloaded the book for reference. I'm not saying that you should actually use the treatments without consulting a doctor, but I know how messed up the cancer care system is, and have an extreme lack of trust in it.
So, in case something comes up for me or for loved ones, at least I'll know some of the treatments that I need to research.
And in case people haven't heard of this, there are pharmacies overseas (many in India) that will send you medications without a prescription (for which you normally need a prescription).
One of them is https://www.reliablerxpharmacy.com/. I found out about them from a friend who was a professional athlete and then personal trainer.
I just checked them out, and - looks like they now accept bitcoin! That's new, I know last time I checked (maybe a year ago) they didn't. And I know they had lots of issues receiving payments because regular credit card processors didn't want to use them.