What is "conventional" if not that which you've been taught and conditioned, together with your classmates, to obey and do for the sake of blending into a collective? Most kids, especially first time at school, do not want to be conventional, until they've been forced by parents and teachers and stayed long enough in school, succumbing to "authorities" they cared little about.
We need kids, like your little Rina, to be uncoventional (in a positive direction). There is whole lot of stuff to learn in this world, and most of the learning will spring from individual, personal, deliberate experiences. The path is non-linear and sometimes complex. Schools, especially fiat-run ones, unfortunately, streamlines this path. Most kids end up graduating/living school more confused than when they entered.
I believe, bitcoin is a tool to help us turn things around towards a more free and better future for our kids.
Thanks for sharing.
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