We could answer @DesertDave's questions one by one.
To start we must understand that everyone is free to think and do what they want and it is not up to men to judge what is right or wrong. Because if we are talking about God, then let God be the one to judge based on his truth.
Since the relationship or connection is personal with God, the first thing I must know is:
Does God have a name? What is God's name if He has one and what does it mean? What is God like? What are the main qualities of God? How can I know what God wants from me? On what basis does God make judgments? Are Jesus and God the same? Does God approve of all forms of worship? Should we worship God? Should we obey God out of fear or love?
Then we could answer other questions that help us understand other issues related to God and the Bible
Great questions. Thanks for the comment. 🙏
If you wish, I could give you the answers I have found to these questions without trying to change your way of thinking or perspective. I just don't want to invade a space that is yours with issues I have found in my search for the truth.
Or maybe you want to make a new post about it. I would love to hear either way.
I enjoy the discussion. I have my own beliefs. I welcome everyone else's also. I'm just observing mostly. Share whatever you like.