Thank you for the thoughtful response. A lot to consider here. I always want to expand. Although I don't really believe in right and wrong, I am okay with changing my views. They have changed my whole life. I go with what resonates or what feels "right" to me. Whatever I believed in the past that isn't what I believe now, isn't wrong, it was just what it was at the time. All perfect.
And these days, it's an inner guide that doesn't necessarily match up with anything or everything that I witness outside of myself. It's an inner authority. I know what is best for me. And I always want allow others to feel safe to believe what is best for them, without judgment.
having total inner authority (internal monarchy) means no need for external authority (external monarchy, or oligarchy, or democracy or whatever).
no external monarchy = anarchy (anarchony is a better variation on the word anarchy, makes people think - no rulers, no masters, no slaves).