When I understood that the west (and within it Christianity) had a very linear way of thinking about our existence (one you die that’s it), believing and acting in an existential way - it makes sense that there is a panic and urgency to believe in the thing that will “save you” The eastern way of thinking is circular , “and here we go again” , I was and I am and will always be, taking your lessons in this incarnation.
In the end I think seeking enlightenment and living in “the way” is what it’s all about. Love fully - outward and inward, we are all a collective consciousness, by loving others you love yourself and in turn attract more love.
Well said. My views are much more in line with that of the eastern views. It just feels right to me. Western beliefs seem very limited and fearful to me. They seem to encourage separation. As a young boy, I used to sit in silence alone a lot. In this stillness, I knew that I have always been here and I live on forever. And as an adult, I have had many experiences that have shown me that all is one. Thanks for the great share. 💚
Absolutely, if you haven’t dug into Ram Das for a while ( or ever) I’d dig into his be here now podcast. I like to ruminate on his words a lot
I have a bit. I enjoy his words. Thank you. I feel seen.