Spirituality is something that happens automatically. As humans we are programmed to earn name and money to be respectable in society. We run for meaning outside like big house, big car, more money, more degrees, more girlfriends etc. etc.This is a journey for meaning outward. When something bad happens like death of loved one or divorce then one sees the futility of running for material things and the inward journey starts. This is the start of spiritual journey.
There are two types of worldly attachments one because of the material things like house,car, gold or money and second is because of relations. When one comes to a point where all this seems evanescent/impermanent, the inward journey of spirituality starts.
When one's being asks questions like “What is life?” Or “Who am I?”
The journey of the heart has started.
The answer to your question is though there is no criteria for spirituality but people tend to be spiritually inclined towards 40’s of their life.
Curiosity for meaning of life is spirituality.
That makes sense. I didn't start asking these questions until I was nearly 40. I spent many years chasing material possessions. When I was a young boy, I had lots of questions like this. I spent a lot of time alike considering things. I knew I was immortal.
I'm young but I'm fortunate to be raised in family where my mother and father both are very spiritual. I got spiritualism in heredity.