While searching for some new statistics about AI, I found super interesting data about how countries feel about AI.
Globally, there’s mixed feelings towards AI-powered products and services: 54% of people are excited, and 52% of people are nervous. However, feelings about AI differ substantially between countries.
Interestingly. Thailand is the most excited and most nervous country. Globally, Asia and South America are excited while developed countries like US, Australia and most of European countries are super nervous about AI.
As, It's interesting stuff for debate, I would like you to share how do you feel about AI.

Are you nervous, excited or just neutral about AI?

I'm Excited about AI 40.0%
I'm Nervous about AI12.0%
I'm Neutral about AI48.0%
25 votes \ 39 days left
I'm surely nervous. Only for one thing that AI replaces human labour. I started hating the day when I learnt that AI is doing cooking, laundry, agriculture and everything. What would be the worth of Humans. I think we'll only have bragging left for the creation of AI.
I am very excited about AI. You can learn a lot from it.
What have you learnt from it so far?
Not the original commenter, but I think LLMs (GPT in particular) are an incredibly powerful study / research tool. They allow you to answer questions you'd otherwise take weeks to have answered or not be able to feasibly answer at all. With your questions answered you can move on instead of getting stuck.
This also works at a meta level. E.g. you can use them to research how to improve your learning or thinking, and boost yourself to a superhuman level.
🎯 .. LLMs are very adept at matching the intent of what you're looking for to actually useful information. There is less "skill" required to engineer "the perfect search term". You can ask the question the way you would ask it and it will generally get you close to the target within one or two volleys.
As I covered in this one minute section from @jsonbits meetup - the reason for this is because vectorization allows for the "quantization of language". Meaning you can ask the same question 40 ways with different vernacular or perhaps even different languages and still get a similar answer that's meaningful & useful! It's really a revolution in flexibility computational systems above everything else.
In Korea, it's the hype bullshit train all over again. After metaverse and crypto, same people are now overly excited about AI and quantum computing.
It's annoying as i need to play this game too if i want to have more chance at funding in academia...
Yes, Korea is always ahead in creating hype. Indians who love Korean cars easily believe Koreans. Haha.
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @Golu 23 Sep
Not too nervous, not too excited. Taking a balanced approach but I'm not neutral.
11 sats \ 12 replies \ @Taft 23 Sep
I have mixed feelings. I'm excited because AI has brought a lot of good things. I'm also scared because it can be used to harm people.
Did it harm people upto now? I've seen so much news that presents AI as a bad tool but the claims have never been tied to proof.
Did it harm people upto now?
It could though. AI needs to be watched at all times by an expert human. It's just guessing in a probabilistic way. Someone needs to be responsible for catching it's mistakes.
Didn't you hear about the attack of Mossad against Hezbollah's soldiers with Lithium-ion batteries?
How is that relevant to a discussion about AI?
Come on. They used AI technology to exploit all the devices simultaneously.
Why would they need AI to do that?
Read the news dud.
In neutral, I would say. It's just another addon to technology. The hype surrounding it has been created by the companies who wanna cash it.
I think we are in an interesting time. On par to The Internet, and smartphones.
Up to around 2004 it was all about the "dot coms", basically the web 1.0
Then later came the web 2.0, followed and accelerated by smartphones. Then there was a period of the "internet of things" and "big data".
We are now entering a new era. The era of AI, where all the advances in GPU, training, annotating, and dealing with all this "big data" is finally starting to see real world applications.
Basically the 2017 paper about transformers changed everything in AI.
Nervous. It might be developed in the wrong hands. Does no one remember skynet?
You talking about skynet controversy? Was that real or just false claims? Thousands of people's death can't go unnoticed. I'm not supporting AI but Skynet was a controversy
there will be a ton of jobs and industries where the efficiencies of AI and things will lead to a reduction in workforce as it will boost efficiency, this is nothing new.
from a European perspective, getting any kind of long term, well-paid employment is already quite hard as everything that can be, is sent offshore because of cheaper labour.
maybe that's the just the fate of Europe, sometimes you're the hammer, sometimes you're the nail.
i used to work as a translator and google translate wiped out most of my work opportunities since a shitty (but free) translation, was deemed good enough
then i spent years copywriting for e-commerce and now people think chat gpt is good enough.
same happening with articles and blogs, just lower quality all around, a very fiat phenomenon that can been seen in everything from furniture to food chain.
i stack sats and that gives me hope , and i enjoy the ai videos of politians and other whacky shit
I’d say both. Excited about the possibilities but also nervous about the abuses and the social consequences.
So far I remain neutral because I believe that AI is something that will sooner or later be in our lives! It is inevitable as society advances... in the same way technology will generate improvements for our daily activities... some will be considered good and others bad... but anyway... the truth is that the future is here and we cannot escape from it...
I am eager
It's quite telling how Asia leads in optimism, while decel Europe is lagging behind as it has in everything over the past 2 decades.
Accelerate or die!