oday I want to share with you some more street photography that I've been collecting while doing things throughout the city.
I'll start with this photo of a very curious scene, a truck loaded with dirt got stuck on a small bridge.
It turns out that the bridge was crooked and although the truck was going straight, one of its wheels hit the edges of the bridge and got stuck... in the end I don't know how they managed to resolve this difficult situation.
And the worst thing is that this is the only entrance to this town.
The following two photos have something in common: hats, whenever I see someone wearing a hat I have to take a photo of them because it's an element that is not seen frequently.
This man looks more like a cowboy.
I took this photo because the woman's body language seemed a little discouraged...
In another part of the city, more specifically in the midtown, I saw this scene, a woman was pushing her cart and almost dropped her things, she was struggling and everyone was just watching...
This woman's cap said "Colombia" even though we are in Venezuela...
A soldier, he looked very young.
I found it very curious how this motorcyclist carried a chair on the back of his motorcycle.
In the neighborhoods of Venezuela it is very common to see clothes hanging in the windows of houses:
And I took this photo because this church has always seemed very pretty to me but I have never seen it open.
In the day to day of the city many things always happen, you have to be very aware to be able to appreciate them and not go on autopilot through life...
I hope you liked these photos as much as I did!
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