It really depends on a lot of factors, like I dont know jack about Bulgaria or the currency like if they're a net importer or exporter,
if you're exporting and artificially devaluing it to keep your labour and production cost cheaper to drive investment, well that shit goes away and prices for everything adjust, it won't be what the government say we going to convert at x rate, so you have to find other ways to be competitive
I guess you could look at Croatia, they moved over to the Euro in 2023, hows it been working out for them?
I have experienced firsthand that the croatian politicians (morons) made a poor decision by switching to the euro, right after the covid pandemic when inflation started to rise. What’s more, prices here are double or even higher compared to countries like Italy, France, and Germany. But I just stack, work to increase my earnings every year and feel bad for the normies.
yup, looks like we will have to just get rektd. not looking forward to it, but without bitcoin life would be far grimmer
apparently, everything got more expensive with the shops and things using it as an excuse to sneak up prices
how a currency like this can be shoved on people is beyond me, it should be a national vote