It came across my news screen just now how at a fundraiser in New York on Sunday Harris told her doners that she plans to "encourage innovative technologies like AI and digital assets". These were her FIRST public comments about crypto as a presidential candidate and once again I cannot help but shake my head. Under President Biden crypto has been consistently attacked and when he stepped aside and she stepped up it gave the Democrats an opportunity to shake their anti-Crypto past and present a new plan to voters.
Comments like this hold next to no meaning. There is no actionable stuff with what she said and love or hate President Trump at least he has often given a plan or ideas. She further stated that "we will encourage innovative technologies like AI and digital assets, while protecting consumers and investors" and "we will create a stable business environment with consistent and transparent rules of the road".
Again there is no plan presented no actual ideas or actionable information just typical politician BS. This is nothing more than an attempt to raise money for her candidacy from the crypto community while offering nothing in return. There are countless plans out there from both sides and all she had to do was pick at least part of one. Instead, she did what career politicians do and touched on the talking point to combat her opponent but present or give the voters and donors an idea of what she would actually do.
This is a constant issue with her "plans" or "priorities." We have no clue what she plans on doing or how she plans to do it. It is sad to see a major candidate get this far and at its core not offer people anything concrete but just words. Voters deserve so much better but she is running what amounts to really a Whig party idea of I'm not Trump and that is it. The Whigs in the 1830s through 1850s ran on being anti Andrew Jackson and anti James K Polk.
By saying anything about AI and Digital assets, she just wants to lure some shitcoiners who may have sided with Trump after the conference disaster ge proved. I doubt if she even knows the ABC of AI or Digital Assets.
Ironically she or her team I guess has attempted to learn about BTC. Mark Cuban has admitted her team called him to explain crypto lmao. This was before the BTC conference when she was thinking about making an appearance
Yes, they deserve to learn about shit. Anyways, I'm just taking them too lightly, may be. They can all side crap with ETFs tomorrow and declare they can see the future of money.
Comments like this hold next to no meaning
Par for the course. She's the literal embodiment of word salad
What can be, unburdened by what has been!
The key is trying to get her to actually answer a question... I know politicians are notorious about this but she has been next level with it
I wouldn't expect her to say anything else. She doesn't say anything substantive about anything.
I have been amazed with how little she has provided. I mean I feel like at this point it takes a lot of effort to provide almost a negative amount!
Imagine believing Kamala Harris would be beneficial in anyway to the economy or Bitcoin 😂
The only way she helps bitcoin is by completely obliterating the dollar.
Which isn’t to say she wouldn’t have openly hostile policies to self-custody etc all while destroying the USD.
Kamala Harris is a cackling communist.
Same old blah blah blah. What a joke.
I’d say it’s even less… we don’t even get an answer or an idea! I’d take a shit idea just to know she had one
It is always bs with politicians. Just a matter of time before they eat their words, but there are never consequences.
I mean her words are just I’m from a middle class family 😂 I swear there is nothing else out of her!
Politics have degraded. What can you say?
Harris and her team is officially a shitcoiner now. The problem solved. Bitcoiners now have no choice because both candidates are shitcoiners. Are there at least a million Bitcoiners in USA? Shitcoiners can be, I guess.
All leaders nowadays need a real IT professional to help guide them, and even then, they will be misguided. It will take a long time for people to realize how broken crypto is.
But not bitcoin. Can I get an AMEN?!
Agreed with the experts the House Financial Services has brought on some people who know the space to help craft the crypto leg which I think is why from the House side at least it hasn't been terrible the Senate.... they are special to say the least
I always agree with the experts. It seems that I missed some. The government hired technology experts that can predict the next 5 years of how a server responds to processing demand?
CPU vs. GPU is that I'm referring to mainly.