The innovation in the Bitcoin space is awesome right now, I find myself constantly inspired by the products and services that businesses and individuals in this space are releasing.
As "early adopters" of these new products and services, I'm interested to know what you feel is left to be desired with your current wallet.
Personally— I'm excited to see a deeper utilisation of Taproot and Schorr Signatures for a privacy boost.
more Bitcoin in it :p
Keep stacking those sats my friend
THIS. An empty wallet is useless
Bitcoin Design Community is doing an excellent job helping bitcoin apps devs with a better UX/UI design
They have also an amazing guide page about wallets. This guide should be included in ALL wallet apps as a welcome screen for new user:
I love the work they are doing
I'd love to have a wallet with this feature:
  • a primary seed phrase which allows spending funds directly
  • a seconday seed phrase which allows spending after some time frame
This would be useful for inheritance or having a safety net if you decide to store the first seed phrase only in your head.
With Taproot, this feature should be absolutely doable. I went down the wallet rabbit hole a little and figured out that the way to implement it would be using miniscript output descriptors. Unfortunately, Bitcoin Core does not support those yet.
There are certainly some awesome advances we can make in these areas with Taproot, I've been playing with some miniscript today and I'm really looking forward to full adoption!
edit: sorry, I somehow double posted (i got an error the first time) can i delete posts?
It's missing... developers! 😭
I'm talking about SBW which is unlikely to see any updates. Hopefully, fiatjaf revives it under the new name. It's a semi-joke reply but having an active developing community is very important.
Very important! I'm actually quite optimistic about the dev community growth, awesome stuff coming out of Lightning Labs, Alby, Voltage, and Blockstream and I think tools like BDK and LDK are going to make life a lot easier for devs.
UTXO control in Trezor Suite
A support to send to an LN addresses.
As for on-chain wallets: except Bluewallet, I don't know about any other mobile, Bitcoin only wallet I can sign messages with.
Also the possibility to connect via Tor is something I'm missing in many wallets.
I think you've hit an important point here. The ability to sign messages with a wallet (which is super simple) brings a ton of other possibilities that could make things like wallet-verified Twitter accounts for combatting bots more viable