the mint somehow notifies its members/depositors of the opportunity, and lets anybody redeem their on-demand e-cash-sats for some new 30-day-locked-e-cash-sats.
There's no capability within FediMint, as far as I know, to lock minted tokens as you describe.
And I see no benefit to trying to make Fedimint work this way. Why not just ask interested investors to spend their eCash to purchase a share or bond or whatever, which is issued outside of Fedimint? It's the same net result, and the Federation can remain full reserve.
And I see no benefit to trying to make Fedimint work this way. Why not just ask interested investors to spend their eCash to purchase a share or bond or whatever, which is issued outside of Fedimint?
There is increased privacy and convenience for investors, but at the cost of, presumably, reduced returns and additional trust in the guardians to deploy the proceeds from the sale of these savings bonds.