I really appreciate your openness in sharing these profound thoughts on human connection and loneliness. You’re right—humans are social animals, and the longing for deep, lasting relationships can be overwhelming when unmet. It’s tough when love, which we may take for granted at times, reveals itself to be irreplaceable.
One of the reasons we built Orange Pill App was to help address this very issue for Bitcoiners—connecting people who share the same values and worldview, fostering not just transactional interactions but genuine relationships. We realized that finding “your tribe” is crucial in a world where many people feel disconnected, even if surrounded by others.
Loneliness is something many of us have wrestled with, and while love is irreplaceable, finding like-minded individuals can help combat that sense of isolation. Sometimes, it’s not just about romantic love, but about belonging to a community that understands you, even if just through shared ideals.
I hope you find those meaningful connections, and I’m confident that, in the right environments, they’re out there. We built the app to make finding them a bit easier for Bitcoiners, but the journey of finding deeper connections remains one we all continue to navigate. Thanks for sharing your thoughts; you're not alone in them.
Thanks Matteo for your answer, I may have a go with your app in the future (I'll be relocating soon). Sometimes we bury ourselves inside deep holes and we tell ourselves that it's the only place where we can stay safe, where we cannot be hurt by the others. What happens then is that we usually do more harm than good with that approach than what would happen if we were to embrace the pain of social relationships. When I think about these things I always remember a short novel written by Dostoevskji that is called Notes from Underground. A man that burried himself in a narrow apartment to avoid relationships, and his bitterness as a consequence of that. I highly suggest it, but that's a painful reading,
Your reply made me think of this quote:
"A ship in a harbor is safe but that is not what ships are built for"