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Greetings, I have been thinking about ways to remake the game Monopoly so that the baking rules can be changed in various ways to demonstrate how the fiat system works, and what happens when the supply is increased or decreased. The property prices would not be fixed, but would change with inflation. My idea is to make the game a fun learning experience the demonstrates the beauty of Bitcoin and fixed supply. Some other thoughts. It would be really cool if it were built as a progressive web app that works on Lightning, could be played for sats, and could be multiplayer or solo against the bots. There is so much room for creativity here with the naming of properties and such. I think this could be a really fun game and tool.
This won't be a fun way to play buuuuuut you could assign someone (or AI) as the banker's friend, who receives double the money or the ability to borrow at 0.1%.
1/ They'll either out-bid or buy all the properties - game over
2/ Borrow money to pay their way out of tax, could add a rule that makes the cost of servicing hotels more expensive so eventually the non-banker friends won't be able to afford the upkeep
3/ Borrowing increases the income tax (banker's friend exempt due to off-shore accounts)
4/ The banker's friend can use existing properties as collateral for future purchases.
I imagine the game will be over very quickly, so in round 2, non-banker players will have BTC, and its purchasing power doubles every trip around the board, some shit like that :)
Sounds interesting. I'm thinking you could have a menu of preset rules/modes, "Central Bankers Bonanza", Ponzi Mode aka Ethereum Mode, and of course classic mode for the nostalgia play.
I'd like to try a monopoly with 2 bitcoin spaces on the board. If you land on it, it doubles in value. However, every 4th time you land on it, it halves in value.
And how do you think that would effect the economics of the gameplay?