Great thoughts. I think there is some interesting gender dichotomy at play here as well. By that I mean a lot of research showing that single/ unmarried women tend to be much happier and healthier than single/ unmarried men.
Maybe they are just better at socializing and keeping relationships outside of their romantic life. I think that's gotta be part of it.
Just anecdotally, I've met a lot more older unmarried women who may have felt some level of loneliness, but generally appeared content or even very happy with their lives. I'm not sure I've encountered any older unmarried men who had that same "joie de vivre."
Unrelated: I'd like to hear more about your lifestyle of voluntary poverty. That line was intriguing.
a lot of research showing that single/ unmarried women tend to be much happier and healthier than single/ unmarried men.
I don't want to be annoying, so excuse me in advance for this. Where do you take this data from? To me it seems that the opposite would be much more reasonable...unmarried aged women are likely to not have kids, how is that supposed to be associated with higher happiness levels?
You're not being annoying no worries.
I would encourage you to look this up and decide for yourself, I've just noticed these studies dripping out over the years.
I think there was a researcher named Paul Dolan who's written the most about it.
The idea that having children makes people happier is subject of great debate as well I wouldn't assume that's the case. In fact the parental happiness gap has been pretty well researched too.
Why might these be true? That's a whole discussion in itself. Very controversial topic, I don't find it very fun to discuss because people get upset and defensive about their own choices. Just sharing some observations of research I've seen.
Thanks for the references