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Who is bad at one thing or the other? It can be temporary or a life long trait that you're holding with you. For me it's the USP of people how I view them or how I liked to be viewed. The reality is this the thing that you're really bad at is far better placed withing you than the thing you're really good at. Let me first tell you what's my one thing that I'm really bad at.
It's my tolerance. I hope you remember my intolerance when someone who doesn't have anything to do with my business bluntly asks about what job I do and what are marriage plans "#651559" I can never tolerate people who are stupid, incompetent, uninformed and/or aggressively certain of things they don't understand.
Don't misunderstand me. I'll be polite for the minimum period not to appear rude, but I'll make my excuses and leave/escape as soon as possible. But, the real problem is that such people are in abundance. Don't believe me, read any political thread on any social media.
I think I've somehow developed a physical allergy to stupidity and bullshit. As such, I'm really pretty bad at tolerating such irritating nonsense.
So, if you won't mind telling something you're very bad at, you're most welcome in the comments.
Sats for all
Saying sorry. I say it when I shouldn't (very Canadian of me) and it's for innocuous things but I have a hard time saying sorry when I really should. Like when I piss off my wife or if I am too hard on my kids about something they did.
I am getting better at it though. Admitting you are wrong is a healthy way to live and I always want my kids to be honest with themselves and us when they mistakes or do or say hurtful things to others. So, since I am trying to set a good example for them I make my best effort to apologize when I have done something wrong, even if I really don't want to admit I was wrong. Haha
I'm terrible at pretty much anything music related: playing instruments, singing, dancing, you name it.
Thanks for the response Did all these cost you big anytime?
No, just minor frustrations and embarrassments.
From my point of view I think I'm pretty bad at saying no, maybe I have attention deficit or my desire for acceptance haha (being quite self-critical) or simply that helping others was instilled in me too much, I don't know.
My habit of giving people a chance again and again. No matter how much he cheated on me.
i am not great at asking questions in order to stimulate people's thoughts rather than telling them my argument. what's worse, i get impatient and jump straight to the punchline of my argument. i know what i have to work on.
Saying "No"
Writing, spelling, and grammar. Trying to write more to improve my skills
Public speaking.
This one's really tough.
I struggle with self acceptance. I sometimes fail to remember that I am always enough. I forget that it is okay to play. I take myself too seriously. I have been working on this my whole life. I am getting better for sure. This is a great question. Thank you for the post.
You are a spiritual man otherwise nobody will even think of self acceptance as something he's bad at.
Crowds or being in a social environment over say 3 people I find it hard to make conversations so I tend to just listen
Feeling good about myself.
Are you serious? You're doing such a good work by leading the charge with SN and you don't feel good about yourself. You've every reason to feel good about yourself.
I'm really bad at lying.
Saying no😭😭
Uy although I'm embarrassed, I've always been bad at winning over the ladies... in my time a few years ago... I was very good at talking to them... I was good at going out and giving them flowers... but at the precise "right" or correct moment in which I had to ask for it and the girl was waiting for me to ask her... it didn't work out for me!! She would block me and I could end my date after having invested time, money, and effort in nothing!! And obviously the girl would get upset because she wanted to give it to me but I didn't ask for it... I think it sounds silly from that point of view... but the truth is that it's always happened to me..
Sadly, the saying
time in the market beats timing in the market
does not work when it comes to girls
totally true😅