Ran some numbers to update plots I have in one presentation I gave a year ago. I combined some Metcalfe-based indicators over Bitcoin's active addresses with Lightning nodes count.
Here is a general plot with price and node count
Here is the plot in question. Major conclusion: The old model with old Metcalfe coefficients shows similar numbers or even larger discrepancies with market cap dynamics while the LN node count nicely adds to the top. Somehow, Lightning is important, meanwhile, it has a relatively small capacity.
Nice work.
If lightning is important, do you think its capacity can be increased and improved? If yes, how?
I think numbers show that Lightning is clearly efficient. While it has perceivably low capacity, heuristics show that it may actually have some influence on market cap.
I suppose LN should develop dynamically and now it is growing again probably due to the demand for payment.s
Awesome. Thank you.