Good point.
Some of the people at this energy event that were both believers in the energy healing, and, I happen to know, very religious - I don't know how it jives with their religion.
Just for fun, I dug up an extract on faith healing, from a book I read recently. In this situation, a woman is having a difficult time in childbirth.
I'm not necessarily a religious person, but a faith healing like the below would appeal to me much, much more than the energy healing thing.
Then Pa’s hands were on my head, hard and rough, but cool. He had just washed them, I knew. He always stepped to wash his hands before he placed them on any person’s head to ask God’s blessing.
As if from a distance I heard his voice, clear and strong and deliber- ate: ”Rebuke the power of the Destroyer, cause that every part of her body shall perform its proper function, that the muscles shall react properly, that the bones shall be fexible, that her heart shall be equal to its task, that all things shall be governed by the power of light and life and shall work in harmony to the end that this child shall be born well and normally.
As though by the force of his will, by the very weight of his hands on my head, I felt a blessed relaxation, and then a lusty cry. My son was born, white hair and all.