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Hi, welcome to SN!
The sats left my primal wallet but my post keeps saying retry payment.
Has this been resolved? We only settle the invoice when we received the sats and published your post or comment. When your post says "retry payment", your sats should not have left the wallet or be back in your wallet.
If a payment fails and you retry will it continuously fail? I have been trying to zap something all day and it keeps failing but all my other zaps are working. It's very odd.
Depends on why it failed (but we don't expose the reason yet).
What are you trying to zap? I assume it's because the payment itself fails since we currently only fallback to the custodial wallet if creating the invoice from the user wallet failed.
Trying to zap a comment. Anyways I think it is a coinos issue. I can't even send sats from coinos to the SN wallet now.
Oh, that would make sense. Is there no error message?
This is the message I am getting from coinos: Ran out of routes to try after 1 attempt: see paystatus
sounds like I might need to open a channel to the SN node. hang tight..