it's insane how argentina went from such prosperity to the OG of inflation. since so many people's jobs are tied to the state, are they just unaware that they are part of the problem, or do they not case as long as they are getting their little bit of salery?
how are things feeling under Milei at the moment?
i have a feeling that life in the west will degrade until you have someone like Milei who has the balls to really get serious
are they just unaware that they are part of the problem, or do they not case as long as they are getting their little bit of salery?
It's a mix of both. The lower the position, the less the awareness, and vice-versa. The problem is not that much that people but the people on the private sector that demands for more statism, and when everything gets worse, it's because the state is not involved enough, and so on. Only the most recent generation, literally teenagers, are free from indoctrination thanks to the internet. From 30yo upwards, statism is a religion few have been able to wake up from, I myself still have some hardcoded reflects I have to counter consciously. For example, I still instinctively perceive as "good" if a company belongs to the state, and "bad" if it belongs to the private sector. People from 40yo upwards is hopelessly lost, still unable to understand absolutely nothing, and voted for Milei as last resort. This is no exaggeration: our teenagers saved us, it's all thanks to them.
how are things feeling under Milei at the moment?
Boomers are mad at Milei because he didn't solved all problems the day after he won. They are so used to the magical promises of past regimes, regardless of facts... like I said, hopelessly lost, I don't even bother, and thank god it doesn't really matter: the younger generations, from 20yo and below, are fascinated with Milei, and have high hopes on him. Recent polls measured 80% positive image on that range, it's insane. If everything goes well, and I'm certain it will, this new path towards freedom will be irreversible.
i have a feeling that life in the west will degrade until you have someone like Milei who has the balls to really get serious
I feel the exact same, and it worries me that there's no Milei in sight in the USA political landscape.