Best parenting advise
No right answers
Your kids must attend private school
Let your kids have sips of your beer and wine from a young age.
It takes away the rebellion appeal of alcohol, and they won't do as much stupid shit once they're independent.
I know I was exposed to that earlier and it didn’t hurt me
Mold your kids less and enjoy your life more. Your kids will still turn out fine.
Have more kids than you think you want right now.
Check out this book - Selfish Reasons To Have More Kids. Very interesting read.
I like that idea. Every time we have spoken about kids I’ve been nervous but never regretted doing it after
For me the best advice for parents is not to spend time with their children, but rather to SPEND ALL THEIR TIME WITH THEIR CHILDREN.
A very old book said the following:
"These words that I am commanding you today must be in your heart, and you must inculcate them in your children and talk about them when you sit in your house, when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up."
Although it referred to God's commandments for the Israelites, they are applicable to all aspects of life and highlights the importance of first being convinced ourselves and then "inculcate" NOT "impose" it.
Like that! I spend pretty much all my time outside work and school with the kids. I didn’t have my dad around so much when I was a kid so I’m trying to be around them as much as possible
My best parenting advice is that most of the stuff parents stress out about isn't as important as they think. It's ok to relax and actually enjoy parenting.
Yes for sure just because x parenting book says this doesn’t mean anything in the real world and getting stressed out because you child doesn’t do what the book says. Maybe don’t read parenting books would be good advice
Encouraging reading . Readers are leaders as they say!? Don’t they?
I think the schooling you do outside of school is more important.
School definitely isn’t the end of learning or life school where a lot of gold is
I feel school is important for the social aspect, but you should help your kids pursue their own interests. Most of the time, it isnt the same as other kids.
My kids are home schooled so I suppose that is a version of private school. I don't think private school is mandatory but it is certainly a better option than public school if you can afford it or if you have the time and temperament to homeschool that is also a great option.
Nice one. Home schooling is definitely growing in popularity. Wonder if there is a world chart showing amount in home schooling and the growth of it over time
It's illegal in many places. In Germany, for one, and apparently discouraged in France.