This was a top story this week with lots of discussion already: #68795
It's good to have more sites like that, but I would at least provide a free preview of the answers.
Also, you need to pay 10 sats to do anything, so it gets a bit annoying. Payment is not as smooth as SN for example.
+100 sats. Looks good, but "Buy this answer for x sats" should have a preview, e.g. the first 1-2 sentences are visible, then the remaining sentences are blacked out (so that you can see how long/detailed the answer is). Otherwise you need to trust that the answer would be useful/on-topic.
I also like this suggestion from tomlaies (#68795): "Let the asker pay a bounty and the asker gives the bounty to his answer of choice. Let the people answering compete for the best answer!"
And Jon_Hodl's suggestion in the same topic: "What I am more interested in is paywalling my own private information such as sending me an email, text, social media DMs" i.e. users could charge x sats per PM, for 1:1 tech support.
While I personally dont like they take Stackoverflow logo completely, I am curious what do you guys think about this model? and if would it work at all?