Sorry, it's still a bug. Jesse from Amboss also reported that same. I'm unable to reproduce it on my side. But, we'll fix this. If its not too much to ask, can you please give details on browser, wallets, QR or WebLN (Alby). Just in case you don't want to share it here, I just created an issue tracker on GH:
Google Chrome, Alby extension for login. I don't get presented with an invoice when this error occurs.
We will test. We only tested Firefox with Alby.
100 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 6h
I think ideally you'd want to test with Chrome, Firefox and Safari. I think every other browser will behave like one of them but they have the biggest differences among them.
If Chrome works, Brave should work too, for example.
Yes will do. Added to issue tracker.
Great, good luck
Will inform you once this is fixed.