Albert Buu founded the company in 2018. He was born in Canada but has family in Vietnam. This company is basically bringing the innovation of lightning into Vietnam, and other areas:
“Being born and raised in Canada, I’ve been lucky enough to be part of first world financial infrastructure. But I knew that going to Vietnam where my parents and rest of my family are from I could make a difference by introducing them to the Lightning Network and all that it could provide to the people of the country. Making the move to Vietnam three years ago was my commitment to following through on this vision. Laying the infrastructure for Lightning across South East Asia would make it very easy for locals to better transact with each other and for the rest of the world to transact in the region whether while on vacation or for doing business,”
Here's some more about what this company wants to achieve:
Neutronpay COO, Malcolm Weed, had this to say, “having seen the local and cross border payments landscapes from our time at Hyperwallet, Albert and I believe the Lightning Network will be a payment rail which will be used in our everyday lives, whether you are buying groceries, sending funds abroad to a family member or paying for movie tickets online. We’ve been having amazing conversations since the beginning of the year with a wide variety of global businesses not just in South East Asia who want to leverage our APIs. They love the fact that the Lightning Network supports Bitcoin payments, but also USD stablecoins by Q4 2022, and also the ability to send fiat payments while not being exposed to Bitcoin volatility but still get the benefits of the payment rail. Over the next few quarters we will share our progress with everyone as we onboard multiple business use-cases using Lightning.”