Eternal Law

Eternal law is the mind of God which humans cannot know. Contained in it are the laws which govern the universe and control the life cycle of everything in existence. Although humans cannot fully know the eternal law, they can occasionally glimpse reflections of it, for example through scientific knowledge of aspects of the natural world.

Divine Law

Divine law is the law of God revealed to people through the Bible, which Christians call the “Word of God”. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, also brought Divine Law with him and the teachings of Christ convey Divine Law to the people.

Natural Law

Everyone has a natural sense that “good is to be done and evil is to be avoided” which some call human nature. It is what directs our conscience and if applied with reason to a situation will lead to the right outcome. Natural Law is unwritten and unspoken, it is just understood.

Universal Law

Universal law refers to a code of ethics that is agreed by all and universally accepted. There has to be a victim for universal Law to be broken. I.e. Murder, theft, fraud, assault. Universal Law is unwritten and unspoken, it is just understood.


Self-governed, having supreme authority

Human Law <sup>REQUIRES YOUR CONSENT</sup>

These are everyday rules that govern our lives, and are prioritised as follows:

Equity Law

Equity law and the law of commerce deals with contracts at the highest level, and are designed to protect the individual. These would include Trusts, Affidavits, Liens, Notices and Torts.

Common Law

This is the foundation of English law which is derived from custom and judicial precedent rather than statutes.

Democratic Law

Contrary to popular belief a democratic society has nothing to do with governments, or political parties or even voting, but refers to a law structure that is conducted if someone is accused of a crime. A democratic society is self-governing.
The word democratic is derived from the Latin word Demokratia: Demos meaning “the people,”Kratos meaning “sovereignty,”kratein, to rule.”
This covers trial by a jury of twelve. Innocent until proven guilty. Right to remain silent. An open court and a court of record. The jurors have Judicial Authority, not the judge.

Crown Law

Originating from the rule and authority from royalty over their subjects, modern day Crown Law has the foundation of common law, added with constitutional law, and refers to government functions. The crown is a corporation and is the legal embodiment of executive, legislative and judicial governance.
Crown Law was established after the signing of the Magna Carta and the end of feudalism.

Constitutional Law

These laws are a set of restrictions to anyone within government and are designed to protect the freedoms and rights of the people. These laws do not apply to the people as a group, but only to the people within government

Government Law?

There is no such thing as government law, as everyone within government works for the people, and can only write contracts that the people must consent to. The government is supposed to represent the people, protecting their rights and freedoms, while increasing their wealth and prosperity.

Federal Law

Federal Law is actually a set of rules that apply to members of a Federation, which is a group of organizations, countries, regions or states.
Federal Law is limited to only the voluntarily groups with the federation, and cannot be enforced on any group or individual who are outside the federation and do not consent.

State Law

A state is a corporation or business that has been applied to an area of land defined by a border, state rules can only apply to those who voluntarily consent to them, within the border.


Legislation is not law, but is in fact nothing more than contracts where people have the choice to voluntary consent to or not. They are often referred to as “colour of law”. These contracts are also referred to as Policy, Statutes, Guidelines, Acts, Bills, Mandates, Notices, Rules, Licenses, Permits, Regulations, Warrants, Diktats and incorrectly and fraudulently “law”. They all require your consent.
Policy: A course or principle of action adopted or proposed by an organization or individual.
Statutory: Obligations within a contract.
Guidelines: General rules, principles or advice that are offered to a consenting 3rd party.
Acts: A policy acting as law, but not law, and therefore requires your consent.
Bill: A document detailing the outcome of commerce between two consenting parties.
Mandate: An ordered to carry out a clause within a contract. For a mandate to have any legal merit, a contract must be inforce prior to the mandate being sent. Sending a Mandate without a contract is a Tort.
Notice: A written document or verbal command giving notice of an activation of a clause within a contract, or termination of said contract. For a notice to have any legal merit, a contract must be written and agreed to prior to the notice being sent. Sending a Notice without a contract is a Tort.
Rules: A set of explicit or understood regulations or principles governing conduct or procedure within a particular area of activity, between two or more agreeing parties.
License: Authorize the use, performance, or release of an item or granting permission of an action within an agreed contract between two or more consenting parties.
Permit: An official document or verbal command allowing the actions of a 3rd party who are bound and restricted by a legally binding and consented contract, written or agreed to prior the permit.
Regulation: A rule or directive made and maintained by an agreed upon authority, between two or more consenting parties. These regulations are limited to bounds of the contract, and do not apply outside of said contract.
Warrant: A document issued by a legal or government official authorizing the police or another body to make an arrest, search premises, or carry out some other action relating to the administration of legislation. This only applies to those who have agreed to legislation and have breached it.
Diktat: An order or decree imposed by someone in power without consent. This is a violation of sovereign’s freedom and right to self-govern. It is an act of war.
Tort: A wrongful [Tortious] act or an infringement of a right.
i am extremely grateful for this knowledge being propagated through the internet. the first ever diagram that got me unto this study track was posted by @darthcoin. we stand on the shoulders of giants and keep passing the torch of true knowledge.
137 sats \ 0 replies \ @Lux OP 27 Sep
I always post that diagram because I see many times that people don't know WHO they are and don't know where to position themselves correctly. They always make the mistake position in in the "State cage" (the slave cage), but in the same time they scream loud they want freedom... LOL in that cage you do not have any rights, only privileges.
Lux came with this post and added all the rest of the laws that weren't fit entirely into that diagram.
Too many laws arent actually needed.