Creating a website has never been so easy and simple. Don't trust me, Try it!

Currently FREE to use with and soon a nice 9000 sats/month to have your own domain.

✔️ Beautiful themes. Compatible with open-source Ghost themes to make your content stand out.✔️ All you get on Free plus
✔️ Subdomain. Get domain — a short address you can share with your audience.✔️ **Custom Domain. **Switch to your own domain and keep using our scalable infrastructure to host your site.
✔️ Performance. Your site is served by a global CDN with low latency and 99.9% uptime.✔️ Higher capacity. Up to 10000 latest posts rendered by our server for longer-term SEO benefits.
✔️ Meta tags & SEO. Up to 1000 latest posts rendered by our server to improve SEO and link sharing experience.✔️ Support & customizations. Reach out to discuss any custom theme, plugin or integration that you need for your site.
✔️ Self-hostable. Download a zip-archive and publish the code of your site to Github Pages or your own server.✔️ Fund the ecosystem. Big part of your payments go directly to developers of themes and plugins you're using.
✔️ Interoperable. Built around the new NIP-512 proposal, so that you could switch to a better engine at any time.

The greatest feature: it's FOSS, meaning is opensourcely available to be self-hosted

Ghost user? No worries, now you can easily import all your contents from You can also import your posts uploading a JSON file.

And here are some stackers you maybe know:

Have you tried it yet? Share yours site below together with your first impressions.
199 sats \ 1 reply \ @kdnolan 4h
Using this at school with students! It's so good!
This is so cool
Hmmm 🤔
Can you host this on an umbrel or start 9
@TheWildHustle was talking about this a couple of months ago and I gave it a shot.
24 sats \ 1 reply \ @Design_r OP 7h
Nice, plenty f interesting contents, are you still suing it?
I'm not actively managing it, but all my SN posts cross-post to nostr and npub aggregates all my nostr posts.