Lol, you can believe whatever you want. My exact issue was that you didn't raise "facts and issues" but just spouted off attacks.
Just because you say something doesn't make it true. Sorry, but that's your life lesson for today troll.
Do you believe HW vendors don't promote their products via social media?
I raise multiple facts and issues- you have repeatedly failed to respond to most of them let alone convincingly dismiss or retort them...instead you deny they exist- something anyone following this thread can see is pure evasion.
You clearly have some reading comprehension issues. Best of luck to you in life my friend. I'm done engaging :)
You are not my friend....if you think you are you have a totally screwed view of friendship. You repeatedly refuse to answer my question which goes to the heart of the issue that you constantly seek to avoid- Do you seriously believe HW manufacturers don't use social media operatives to promote their gadgets?
claims to speak for everyone 'us all' calls disingenuous evasion and diversion 'engaging'.
Accuses others of ad hominen attacks and then proceeds to launch multiple such attacks. themself.
Get a fucking grip and see - you are not engaging in a good faith contest of ideas but rather determined evasion and trolling...whether you realise it or not...its ugly and unproductive.