I tend to be really hard on myself. I strive for constant expansion. Lately, I have been really pushing myself to let got of things that don't serve me. Most recently, this has included smoking pot, and cutting back on processed foods, gluten, caffeine. I even took a break from stacker. I feel really good about these choices overall. But sometimes I exhaust myself with my relentless expectations of growth and I lose sight of all the work I have done to better myself.
Last night I went out to a county fair, had a couple beers, ate some really "bad" food, watched a rodeo. These are all things that I would usually consider a hindrance to my growth. Things I would judge and feel shame about. And this time I really didn't. I had an amazing time. And I remembered that life doesn't always have to be pain and expansion. Sometimes it's okay to just enjoy what all this experience has to offer. And perhaps, part of our growth is learning to love ourselves wherever we are. I am not the same man I used to be. I can indulge every once in while in a healthy way and still be on an ever-deepening spiritual path. So, forever who need to hear this, be gentle to yourself. Life can be beautiful in all its forms. Choose to see the beauty in everything. Let yourself have a good time. This is a playground. And It's okay to play. I love you all. Have a beautiful day.
Sometimes you need to write down your priorities and what your goals are. Having cheat meals arent going to hurt the progress to your goal in the long term.
I struggle with structure. I like to act in the moment out of passion. I have big picture goals that I am quite clear on. But sometimes get lost in the day to day.
Writing down what you do might give you more structure.
Yeah. That makes sense. In some ways I am doing that on stacker at times. I am always a big picture guy. I do have a task list on my phone but I don't look at it much.
You can try it for a few weeks and see if it helps your structure problem.
I guess I don't know if I see it as a problem. It's just how I have been. I might try it out though and see how it feels.
If you can be more efficient with your day, wouldnt life improve?
Sure. I am just not sure if writing things down is my way to do that. It might be.
Thanks! I follow the principle "love begets love" and I believe that's the way you can be be gentle with others and yourself. So, not only love other but live yourself.
Moderation in all things, including moderation
💯 if it's going to be sustainable, I have to take little steps.
I absolutely agree: you can find beauty in everything.
Love to read this! Life is truly beautiful if you take the time to appreciate small things, avoid judgement and set plausible goals. You're right, sometimes we are the most cruel judges of ourselves. You reminded me the final chapter of Crime and Punishment, the peace that comes after the struggle of the individual with himself/herself. See you around
It does seem like it's really all about the struggle with self for me. My life is beautiful. But I feel like I have turned a corner. I'm excited.
Perfection is an illusion, but progress is a reality. Embrace the journey, indulge in the moment, and remember that every step, even the 'backwards' ones, are part of your unique growth story. So, let loose, love yourself, and play awhile. After all, it's not a playground without a little fun!
I agree.
Certainly agree with you.
I agree. We all walk our own path. Twelve steppers may have a problem with this approach, but to each his own.
I was raised around 12 steppers. I come from a long line of "addicts". I think it works for some but for my I struggle with the Idea that we are powerless. I have felt addicted to things at times. And I have grown past it. I think it can be a trap. But I think it is a great community for many people.
I agree. It works for many. I have close friends who were saved by AA.
I think that loving yourself is one of the arts that is difficult for many and so easy for others, knowing your mistakes and your virtues. Recognizing yourself as a perfectly imperfect human being sometimes leads you to collide with reality to know that you must fight for your dreams and maintain that image that life is so beautiful and ephemeral.