So many. I was really worried at first and I wasn't sure if it was going to be temporary or forever, but I consider it one of the best things I have ever done. I didn't like the person I was online, I didn't consider that me. But eventually you are your actions no matter how much that truth hurts or you fight it. The personal introspection aspects of it was reason enough to be glad I did it. Other than that, the endless breaking news cycle combined with overall anger and hate did not do play well with me mentally. I keep joking with @k00b that I would love to see a stacker.olds that only shows the top posts after 3 days would be really interesting to me. That way I don't get sucked into the latest, breaking news knee jerk reactions.
If you're curious more about my thoughts on leaving twitter, I wrote a blog about it here: . I really enjoyed writing that so I recommend reading if you're curious and I would love to hear thoughts!
Thank you for sharing! This paragraph really hit home and I will think about this for a while.
ā€œ It became the biggest source of darkness in my life. The biggest drain of productivity. The biggest representation of myself that was not true.ā€
stacker.olds is a great idea!
We need to enable more fine grain control of time, but that's like a lagging homepage.
For newer readers, this link is now
Breaking changes and all of that :) Maybe we should have a versioned API
Appreciate the thoughtful response, will check out the blog post šŸ‘ŒšŸ»