This is something I'll write a lot on later, also hopefully it can help guide people through the messy breakup of the former free world!
Visa agents is a very interesting type of people, ranging from the super messy and dangerous to the most dependable magicians you'll ever meet.
Of course it all depends a lot on jurisdiction and conditions, as well as your own situation, passport and so on. But still there are some common guidelines that can be handy to keep in mind.
After these years these are the principles I've arrived at:
  1. Never underestimate what might be possible!
Even if you never plan to use an agent, at least study them to see what is possible, you'll learn a lot! Also you'll have that knowledge available for eventualities...
  1. Its all on you. It is your job to scrutinize it all!
You totally need to scrutinize all of the visa system, risks and opportunities, the breed of agents in general, and then especially the one you choose. Also you need to keep a tab on it all, things do change, and if you've chosen the wrong one you might need to act fast & decisively...
  1. Don't underestimate the psychology
Needless to say there are very few situations and locations where you want your visa to lapse, or even worse have your status questioned in any way. So unless you're stupid or totally capable of living with high levels of stress then it might not be for you. Or you might have to get a grip on the psychology if you have to go down this route.
Our subconscious is always aware of everything, so even with the tightest setup there might be that tiny warning light going off somewhere in your mind...
Now that the West is collapsing and we're well into WW3 a tiny worry about complications around a visa is of course nothing compared to other risks, so this "pleb level" of freedom to move and settle can really be worth it!
  1. Always have a way out
The worst period by far for many of us was of course when everything closed down in 2020. I myself had the choice of leaving the country during the worst of it, I had a 100% legit visa and work permit, but no road forwards other than investing far too much into an economy on pause, or to use an agent. Once that was done all the stress just vanished, and I was by far safer than most on business visas by far.
Now that we can travel I've been doing trips outside now and then, which has also included doing "trial runs" where I basically prove to my subconscious that I have alternatives, also on short notice if possible.
Could you combine staying somewhere using an agent with another jurisdiction where its easy to buy a 100% legit visa? This is what I'm working towards now, more will follow :-)
100 sats \ 1 reply \ @aljaz 29 Sep
the downside of it is that if you have someone taking care of everything for you then its easy not to get familiar with the process yourself and you grow dependent on a 3rd party which might disappear at the most inconvenient time. So while using visa agents and fixes to smooth the ride its very useful to figure out the process yourself, either to lower the cost when you need to renew it in couple of years or to remove the dependency needed.
That is of course 100% valid.
Maybe it was not clear, but this is for those situations where that simply is not feasible. Be it from lack of fiat resources to getting stranded in a geopolitical event many will be faced with choices far worse than using an agent.
There is also a lot to be said about learning far more about the system using agents than you'll ever do even if you do it all yourself ;-)
Combining both might be what gains the most reliable and complete knowledge, I kinda ended up in that situation myself
Let me ask you a daft question: Why would one use visa agent? Isn't why the embassies/consulates are for? Maybe I just don't understand the issue...
In many countries the process is very messy, and even if you fulfill every tiny criteria the immigration officers might even prefer it. Way less mess and friction for everyone!
Of course there is some economics involved, especially if things go pear-shaped...
I've seen a lot of problems just vanish for others who fucked up, but where the agent was totally capable of fixing it all. But of course its way harder to get access to that sort of flexible solutions if you haven't been building a relationship from early on.
There are lots of scammers, of course, so it'd totally be on you to get it right, meaning that you choose the right one & keep checking for any eventualities as you go along!
In an ideal world maybe you'd want to never even consider things like these, but when its all changing this rapidly I'd say that for many it will be worth it at least studying these things...
Another 1000 sats, thanks a lot!
Today's lunch is within reach then ;-)