Thanks for setting up this territory! I had one on geopolitics in mind, but this should do it for the type of content I have lined up :-)

Practical analysis for personal needs

I've been a Rebel Nomad since ~2020 or even earlier, getting out of the failing West in the nick of time.
Although I have firmly chosen the side of freedom and have my illegal opinions with knowledge to back it all up, this is about practical considerations.
Keeping tabs on everything
Since I reside in a relatively benevolent country in the East I've always kept tabs on everything, but post 2020 I had to ramp that up hard of course. Its become a sort of process, which is stressful, but since the consequences of not timing things would be catastrophic its something I do more or less every day.
How is the breakup of the West progressing? How far has the BRICS come, and will that be a viable alternative long term? When will CBDCs and full, totalitarian control kill off the remnants of freedom in the West? Are there any signs of the whole NWO plan breaking up?
These are questions I have in mind more or less whenever I'm reading anything or watching videos, or even when observing people on the street.
An example
Returning here in early 2022 I was going through this loop as usual. I knew that there was discussions on closing down the borders again, so I had that in mind.
Then I got this gut feeling... Which prompted me to get a flight for the next day, early enough so I'd get in before the next cabinet meeting, or right after it. I figured it would take a while for a reversal to propagate through the system down to the airlines and immigration officers.
3 hours after I made it through they did shut down............
Now that is a bloody good call! But of course I was yet again trapped in a horrible situation, everything was chaos, no one really knew what was going on, and if it would turn into something far worse later on!
So I spent a few days going all in on my daily process, leading up to a Friday and another cabinet meeting.
It was fascinating... I remember showing my wife all the news items from the different factions with real power, from the hospitality industry to business networks, of course along with government and big corporations.
The major newspaper had it all lined up in the hours before the decisive meeting, while showing her all of that I told her that the seemingly impossible would happen: they would simply open up again!
Then that too happened........
I guess I've got geopolitical bragging rights, but actually its not about that. However I do hope these events can be useful for others in the future, I do know for certain that the trust I gained in my own capability for getting important shit right has been helpful ever since.
What if
I do expect having to do equally complex and necessary calls in the future, and although my very existence was not in the balance this time, I've accepted years ago that it might be so some time.
And this is the thing about all the events shaping our existence these days: you simply can't catch up in a day, and also you can never afford to engage in wishful thinking...
The same goes for engaging in any ideological stances, of course except making a stand for freedom!!
Its very important to keep an open mind and listen to all the information out there. You were able to get across before the border closed because of some quick thinking.
Actually its quick thinking "on top of" lots of slow, analytical thinking, there is no way I could have figured this out without that time spent daily analyzing & internalizing lots of patterns :-)
Freedom !!!!!
Oh yeah!!!
A few months ago I walked by an old Greek guy on Rhodos, I knew he'd get, it so when passing I raised my fist yelling FREEDOM!!!
Haha, that turned into a great conversation of course ;-) And maybe someone who would even remember me if I return...
Love that
Thanks, things like these will turn into text too :-)