Its not been feasible for me to do any sort of travel only on Bitcoin, but on the other hand it has been with me all the time since ~2017!
I'll try summarizing up some pivotal events to illustrate this:
  • Around 2018 I started getting really worried about privacy after trying to warn everyone for a least a decade, so I bought a year of VPN access spending some I had. Yeah its not anonymous at all, but it was from a wallet removed a couple of steps from Coinbase, and it felt great anyway! Later I did the same running it through Monero of course
  • Late 2019 when the repo market blew up I did my first and so far only public warning, telling the network I'd spent years building on Linkedin that everyone better buy metals & Bitcoin! At the time I bought gold, but later this event made it easier for me to YOLO hard in 2020.
  • When the whole scamdemic operation peaked I basically walked away from it all & melted my debit cards buying Bitcoin. I actually planned to get twice of what I had, but buying at ~13800 right before the big surge put a stop to that. Either way having enough to pay for eventualities and even projecting a viable way into a future in freedom felt great!
  • It was obvious that to me 2020 posed a binary choice: try to enter the fiat mines again & risk it all, even from a medical perspective, or go all in on following the new that is buidlt by us all! So in 2021 I did something that so far had been totally unthinkable: I simply skipped filing taxes ;-)
  • Not going along in a totalitarian fiat slave system of course might have its repercussions. Once again Bitcoin was key, especially since it is always possible to convert some of it to Monero or cash. This carried me over to the bull market started again, it made it possible for me to conclude that I should not try to get into the whole slave system of the country that thinks it owns me again. Without a fair bit of Bitcoin that calculation would have been very different...
  • Now the past couple of years I've spent some (via alts) on traveling a bit, cheap, improvised hops, using Travala to avoid any banks on my side. This has been such a great experience, even though the service is far from perfect it has never failed me, which my cards totally have due to shitty, automated reasons. If the slave system sees that you've got no paycheck things can get complicated!
How will Bitcoin continue to aid me while traveling? For one I've got enough to cover the initial, high expense for a more affordable health insurance, along with some gold coins I'll carry on my person I'll set up an escrow system or similar for some of what I hold, so that a lawyer or someone in the family can trigger a sale, or use it as a guarantee.
For the long haul, however, its all about how I can build a new business & career with Bitcoin at the core!
And that is why it is such a great inspiration writing here for sats: I get micropayments for writing what will be a product in the end :-) Thanks ya'll!
this territory is moderated
Thank you for sharing your experience. I'd love to hear more about the part we just skip filing taxes. No repercussions yet? What destinations do you have in mind coming up in the future? Agree about building a business and career with bitcoin as the infrastructure that's what we're focused on right now!
I need to post about how we have been using bitcoin so far but our best bet has been trying to find merchants that accept directly so we do not have to jump through systems such as mobile money, exchanges, and whatnot.
This is not for someone within reach of the IRS or any other equally evil & totalitarian organization!
Also its not for someone who has had larger assets in their name, like a house or flat, unless you've already gone bankrupt in a way that is convincing they might flag you...
Another thing to keep in mind is where you'll stay, that will also have to match up with just going off the maps, and the places where you can just simply stay without any scrutiny are less each year now. Yeah, there totally is a global plan to tax everyone.
My personal plan is to emerge again somewhere flexible and relaxed, declaring part of what I have, and then rebuild from there.
Even though there will be a global dragnet it will of course be possible to have exotic & high expenses and so on! ;-)
Love it! I look forward to hearing more of your stories. And also tips and tricks, which may be useful to all of us! Like for instance...more details about using Travala?
This is what I aim at with this profile :-)
Will go through my log with Travala soon & write something on that!
Thanks for the write up of your experiences. I consider myself generally more risk adverse than the average Joe, thus it's difficult for me to grasp the reasoning that lead you to this choices. Don't get me wrong, I've a lot of esteem for whom can risk in such a manner. All of this aside, I've a question for you: is this way of living giving you the opportunity to have stable relationships? Is this way of living a model that can let you plan for mid-long term events? Can you project yourself and your life into, say, 5 or 10 years?
I'm genuinely curious.
I've a question for you: is this way of living giving you the opportunity to have stable relationships? Is this way of living a model that can let you plan for mid-long term events?
All of this was to not having to leave my wife, our teenager and dog, and now the myriad of cats :-)
My home country is so wrecked and in danger now from the coming collapse that I won't even mention which one it is, but its one of the heads on the WEF/NWO Hydra haha!
Since I've never been too keen on going on any radars I've never owned much that has been registered, other than a tiny condo a decade ago, that combined with some other things makes going totally dark much less of a risk for me than say most people inside of the US fiat slave system.
Can you project yourself and your life into, say, 5 or 10 years?
Sure! I simply cannot know exactly where I'll reside. I think the worst in terms of unknown, totalitarian forces shaping our destinies might be ahead of us, say 1-2-3 more years.
If it ain't getting better by then then anything outside of the Beast Machine will do, hell I'd rather live with street dogs than dealing with HR coupled with CBDCs and all of that shit!
If/when it gets better I'll keep living the same way. Were Bitcoin to do a wild 20x tomorrow I'd buy a modest sailboat again, maybe an anonymous truck that can be converted to a stealth RV, all I want is to be left alone anyway :-)
Of course it would be great to visit places like El Salvador or areas where Bitcoin is viable simply because anything that is money has value, but that also is decided by the trajectory of Bitcoin as well as geopolitics.
Where will the content I'm posting here take me? Now that is an open question, if I can build a daily, tiny trickle of sats and whatever is freedom money* online that pays what I'm spending each day, then I'd totally buidl from there!
As for now I'm writing with an intention of doing videos soon, but its just a great thing to write about these things with sats as reward, I think that gives a good pointer to what style and type of content that might work.
Obviously anything I'll do online will be a balancing act between saying what I really want to say and managing risk, but I expect this to get easier too once the process gets furtther down the line...
Its all about Bridging that Freedom Gap the next few years! Which is something I wrote about here: #669330
Love it. Thanks for the thoughtful answer.
Seems you are on the right track.
Thanks, its also a bloody interesting track, I have literally no idea where it will lead me to!
I might bail to more or less any country on short notice if something happens hehe... Also I might go offline or close to it from a cave in the Himalayas or on a tiny sailboat if conditions are opportune for that ;-)
Or maybe go rent that old, Egyptian flat I got offered with a very simple address: Sphinx Square, Cairo, Egypt!