It's not just a tax: i'm pretty sure the main reason it went up is to see if it helps with Sybil problems.
At 10% it still makes sats to zap your own content to get it more attention. If a stacker zaps their own content with a 10k sat zap from another account they control, the zap only costs them 1k sats (at the old 10% rate). If the stacker can garner at least 1k sats from other stackers, they're net positive and are probably on SN front page for a while, regardless of the quality of the content. At 30% maybe the calculus changes a little.
It's talked about in the release here: #692150
I do miss your writing, though. Would love to see something new!
127 sats \ 1 reply \ @Natalia 13h
why ppl would waste their sats so to get more attention 😮‍💨😮‍💨 what happened to POW?
I just went back from a recent adventure, resting a bit and keep crafting things for my next project then back to writing fun!:)
People don't read your precious guides!