My hope for downvotes is that they only rank comments/posts down and maybe putting the default to folded in/collapsed.
I think downvoting as scores is a bad influence on the culture of communities - eg in Reddit the "ratioing" influence is toxic
Agreed, we don't want downvoting (should we go that route) in the score sense. We'd only want it for the signal of "I don't like this" such that it can be used for ranking/hiding/trust/penalties/slashing/whathaveyou.
There's a whole extra dimension to this for us too: we can use money.
Additionally we have Web of Trust which allows users to tell us whose POV they trust and whose they don't. So a "downvote" from Alice might mean a lot to Bob, but nothing to user Carol.
Lots of options and as I begin to flesh them out, I'm getting pretty excited.