This has been discussed for quite some time, but apparently RoboSats is getting more serious about moving away from Telegram. They have a SimpleX chat available. It didn't seem that active when I looked a month or so ago, but is now more active.
AND they're also setting up a Nostr based implementation on I'm looking forward to trying that - I haven't done anything Nostr-related in more than a year, but I know I should be.
Here's the details from the RoboSats telegram group:
As you already know, this group has been obsolete for months due to Telegram's policies. The constant attacks on privacy, security, and freedom in communications led us to seek alternatives months ago.
The final closure of Telegram is getting closer, but we'll continue to meet in the Atlantis (
But is it working as a bot in Simplex?
Hmm...not sure what you mean.
I joined the group but I can’t run any command or maybe I just donno how to start the bot either I don’t see any p2p offer or demand on it.
On SimpleX it's just the community chat, that's not actually where the trades take place. Same as with Telegram and the new 0xchat group. No trades there, it's just where people post issues and comments.
To actually trade, go to to learn how. Check out the Quick Start page:
34 sats \ 1 reply \ @OT 29 Sep
This is good. I need to use simplex more.
There's a stacker news simplex chat, that you can experiment with.
robosats keeps being the signal
Good move.