Very nice work. Like some others have commented, I was unable to log in with lightning-supported browser extensions, so i had to use username/password. When I clicked on a market and tried to buy shares in an outcome, i received a small red popup which said "Prediction is not valid", and the market card was stuck in a "Please wait..." loading state. Trying again I got the same thing.

Bug reports aside, I'm obliged to remind viewers that this market is centralized. The Predyx operators seem to be the only entity who ultimately decides how to settle all predicted events, and deciding who gets paid. They also custody your money.
For now that's OK because there aren't many alternatives, but please be careful and be aware that decentralized options will exist in the future which let betters spread trust out among many oracles, without any custody risk.
Thanks for the detailed feedback and for bringing up dlctix! We appreciate the link and will definitely be exploring it further. It looks like a promising solution that aligns with where we want to take Predyx. We'll dive into it over the coming weeks, and I'll reach out if we have any questions.
Regarding your experience, could you provide more details on the browser and extension you were using? We’ve identified that using SSE (Server-Sent Events) for real-time data was a mistake due to inconsistent support across browsers. We're in the process of switching over to web-sockets, which should resolve these issues.
As for the custodial nature, I completely agree with your point. We opted for this setup to quickly launch an MVP, gauge interest, and validate the concept. Now that we've received positive feedback, we’re excited about moving toward Discreet Log Contracts (DLCs) for a more decentralized, trust-minimized approach. We're committed to making this transition as soon as possible.
Appreciate your patience and support!
@mega_dreamer is there anywhere I can contact you directly? I'd rather not broadcast details of my setup publicly
Yes sure, you can reach me on twitter:, if more privacy is needed, I can invite you to Predyx slack.