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If there was a region I wanted to buy up lots of farm land, but of course being a billionaire I want to buy it cheap, I would pay for a multi-year geoengineering project to make crops unprofitable. Then as the local farmers begin to fail due to costs and no incomes, I would use a corporation to 'assist' them by buying their land for a 'fair price'. In the end I could own a large portion of the region for pennies on the dollar. All thanks to the power of geoengineering.
I wonder why there were so many chem trails recently, and that hurricane was really impressive. I'm sure its nothing though.
Fiat is the cause
The cantillion effect is a very powerful transmitter of wealth from the have nots to the haves.
Do you think you turn evil when you became a billionaire or is this something you aspire to do now but lack the resources?
I don't follow geoengineering, but it seems like a relatively young science so financing a geoengineering project hoping it destroys land that you hope to buy then reversing the harm seems awfully risky relative to the reward.
There are those who are evil in order to become a billionaire.
For normies thinking about a year or two this would make no sense. For people with plans that reach decades it makes perfect dollars and cents.